5 Biggest KETO Tips For Faster Weight Loss

Types of Winder Caps for Kids

This piece talks about the different types of winter caps for kids. It describes a few caps elaborating on their benefits and uses.

Avoiding Overuse Injuries When Working Out

Regular physical activity is the mainstay of a healthy body and a balanced mind. In fact, regular exercise helps people not only maintain a healthy weight and build strong muscles and bones, but it also supports two important body systems: the immune system and nervous system, which includes the brain. However, too much of a good thing can sometimes be a bad thing.

Facts About Good and Bad Body Posture

Our posture is the result of the communication between the brain and the muscles and limbs. A good posture is maintained when the natural curves of the spinal column are maintained.

Germs and Your Child

As a parent we are constantly bombarded by germs. Our kids pick up the flu, a stomach bug, or an upper respiratory infection quicker than they pick up proper grammar.

Why & How to Use the New Modifier CR

To facilitate claims processing for disaster victims, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) has create a new modifier CR (Catastrophe/disaster related) that you can use if you ever need to code services for patients affected by catastrophe/disaster. This article will familiarize you with modifier coding guidelines and get you key pointers on when, where and why you should use this disaster modifier.

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