5 Habits That Raise Estrogen In Men!

A Peep Into Healthy Eating

Every human being is different. That is the reason even fitness experts assess people before suggesting to them fitness regimen or diet regimen that suits them. But at the same time, there are certain things that are common to everyone. One such common thing is that there are certain general diet rules that are applicable to everyone. Therefore, when you have decided to eat the right foods to lead a healthy life, you must first know these common rules. Please read on.

Synthetic Urine To Pass A Drug Test

Do you have no idea if you can pass a drug test or not? Well, if the drug test involves urine, you can go for synthetic urine instead. As a matter of fact, synthetic urine is the best way to clear a drug test provided you follow the right steps. The great thing about this artificial urine is that it works like real pee. Usually, this urine is used in laboratories in order to adjust the testing tools. If you want to know more about it, read on.

How to Move Through Life Transitions

Transitions in our lives are often not something we consciously choose. They begin subtly inside ourselves as a feeling of dissatisfaction, loneliness, sadness, even depression. As these feelings become stronger, we may realize that something in our lives is not working for us anymore: a relationship, a job or profession. Or we’re needing to learn to accept a change in our health. This article describes the phases of transition and how to move through them.

Measuring Depression With Non-Invasive Imaging of New Brain Cells

Modern medical science has proved many old notions wrong. Our belief that the adult brain cannot grow new neurons, is one of them. Researchers now have proved that the stem cells, present in our brains can generate new neurons and the use of Prozac or any other anti-depressant drug may help in neurogenesis (the growth of new nervous tissue). The discovery has also led to new insights like how an adult brain functions and what it might take to treat brain-related conditions such as depression.

Healthy Habits – Know the Biological Reasons

Check in to know the reasons behind the habits that each one of us develops in us. The biological reasons are more like the eye opener.

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